Verger Embraces Transparency with GIPS Compliance for the Fourth Consecutive Year
Verger Capital Management (Verger) is proud to announce that for the fourth consecutive year, we claim compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)1. We are also pleased to recognize Tricia Walker, our Operations Director, for her continued contributions as a member of the CFA Institute GIPS® Standards for OCIOs Working Group, which recently developed a draft guidance statement. These actions reflect Verger’s commitment to performance reporting transparency and our dedication to advancing best practices within the OCIO industry.
GIPS® compliance is recognized globally as the standard for investment performance reporting and presentation. As we engage with clients and industry peers to promote transparency and comparability, Verger views GIPS® compliance as a critical tool for empowering clients and prospective clients to effectively evaluate performance across OCIO providers.
Verger is pleased to claim GIPS® compliance and to confirm that we have received independent, firm-wide verification for the period from January 1, 2014, through June 30, 2024. As part of a growing trend in the asset management and OCIO sectors, an increasing number of firms worldwide are seeking to claim GIPS® compliance. This aligns with a greater industry-wide emphasis on transparent performance standards, as noted in the CFA Institute’s recent analysis of GIPS® compliance trends across the industry.
Tricia Walker adds, “We believe that adopting the GIPS® standards aligns with our clients’ desire for transparency, and we are proud to continue our leadership in this space.” Verger’s continued commitment to GIPS® compliance demonstrates our dedication to the highest standards in performance reporting for our clients and the OCIO community.
Tricia Walker, Verger's Operations Director and member of the CFA Institute's OCIO Working Group attended this year's 28th Annual GIPS Standards Conference in San Diego, CA.
From left, members of the CFA's OCIO Working Group: Scott Ayers, Kelli Barkov, Tricia Walker, and Tom Peters at the 28th Annual GIPS Standards Conference.
[1] GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote Verger, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein or any performance information presented by Verger.